Select your appointment type
Choose from our dermatology services...
GP Services
Choose from our GP services...
Women's Health
Choose from our Women's Health services...
Pre-operative appointment
I am interested in exploring options to have something removed
Skin condition & treatment
I have a skin condition (rash/ dry skin/ acne etc) and would like diagnosis and/ or treatment for this matter.
Mole & blemish check
I have moles/ blemishes or lesions I would like checking.
Follow up appointment
I have previously been seen for a skin condition at Oxona Health and would like to see the doctor again for a review.
For any new or existing patients.
Verruca freeze (cryotherapy)
I have been diagnosed with a viral wart or verruca and would like it to be treated
Surgical appointment
I have previously attend a pre-operative appointment and wish to book my surgical procedure
GP appointment
Adults and children